A fastball with hop has a flat approach angle and visually jumps through the zone. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher swing and miss average. Hop+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with sink has low backspin and drops through the strike zone. When thrown down in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher ground ball percentage and lower launch angle. Sink+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with rise has a high percentage of backspin. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher fly ball percentage. Rise+ of 100 is MLB average
A hammer breaking ball drops vertically with velocity through the zone, or 12-to-6 movement. Hammer+ of 100 is MLB average.
A sweeping breaking ball moves horizontally with velocity through the zone. Sweep+ of 100 is MLB average.
Area Code Tryout - Uncommitted; Long lanky build on projectable frame, quick arm with quality stuff now but plenty of room for more velocity jumps (86-88 presently), sweeping 11/4 CB (68-71) and late running CHG (79-81) that he kept down in bottom reaches of zone with trust in catcher to block.
vs Acalanes - Uncommitted; 6-foot-4, 175 pounds. Definition of long and lanky. Thin build with room to fill out as he grows. Sound mechanically with minor issues. Repeats delivery well; stays consistent with it but has a tendency to throw across his body at times. Gets his front foot down before body turns to plate causing him to fall off and miss outside. Uses high 3/4 armslot and keeps pitches consistently coming out of same slot. Good arm action and delivery is free and easy, not much effort. Showed impressive pitch mix (4S, 2S, CB/SL, CH). Used all effectively and especially curve. Big, breaking bender and showed a lot of confidence in it by throwing it first pitch to get ahead and threw it at any point during a count. Got several K’s on it, looking and swinging. Clearly his best pitch. Good FB, uses 2 and 4 seam and ball jumps out of his hand. Moved both in and out. Did pull a few outside due to his delivery. Good CH as well; didn’t use it much but showed promise. Had a rough 1st inning but really settled down and carried a no-hitter into the 4th inning. Lost it with two out. Continued to battle and pitched around traffic most of the day; limited damage and ended up going 6 IP. Maintained control throughout outing and continued to use curve late in game. Still had same bite. Very impressive performance. Should be a fixture in rotation and has another year to develop and fill out.
Bay Area World Series 2020 (BAWS) - Uncommitted; Long/lanky, showed arm talent and glimpse of raw stuff that will have him firmly on the recruiting radar among '22 RHPs in N CA. Topped at 84, more in the tank for sure. The big overhand CB will develop into an abv avg pitch (the spin projects).
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Area Code Tryout - Uncommitted; Long lanky build on projectable frame, quick arm with quality stuff now but plenty of room for more velocity jumps (86-88 presently), sweeping 11/4 CB (68-71) and late running CHG (79-81) that he kept down in bottom reaches of zone with trust in catcher to block.
vs Acalanes - Uncommitted; 6-foot-4, 175 pounds. Definition of long and lanky. Thin build with room to fill out as he grows. Sound mechanically with minor issues. Repeats delivery well; stays consistent with it but has a tendency to throw across his body at times. Gets his front foot down before body turns to plate causing him to fall off and miss outside. Uses high 3/4 armslot and keeps pitches consistently coming out of same slot. Good arm action and delivery is free and easy, not much effort. Showed impressive pitch mix (4S, 2S, CB/SL, CH). Used all effectively and especially curve. Big, breaking bender and showed a lot of confidence in it by throwing it first pitch to get ahead and threw it at any point during a count. Got several K’s on it, looking and swinging. Clearly his best pitch. Good FB, uses 2 and 4 seam and ball jumps out of his hand. Moved both in and out. Did pull a few outside due to his delivery. Good CH as well; didn’t use it much but showed promise. Had a rough 1st inning but really settled down and carried a no-hitter into the 4th inning. Lost it with two out. Continued to battle and pitched around traffic most of the day; limited damage and ended up going 6 IP. Maintained control throughout outing and continued to use curve late in game. Still had same bite. Very impressive performance. Should be a fixture in rotation and has another year to develop and fill out.
Bay Area World Series 2020 (BAWS) - Uncommitted; Long/lanky, showed arm talent and glimpse of raw stuff that will have him firmly on the recruiting radar among '22 RHPs in N CA. Topped at 84, more in the tank for sure. The big overhand CB will develop into an abv avg pitch (the spin projects).