The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 6-3, 180-pounds. Delivery: Works from stretch. Starts balanced, quick to balance position, hip lead, drops and swings down the mound landing across Arm Action: RH. Long arm swing, hand/arm gets behind and drags, turns to 3/4 slot FB: T81, 77-80 mph. T2441, 2368 average rpm. CB: 69-69 mph. T2454, 2419 average rpm. CH: 74-76 mph. T2037, 1964 average rpm.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 6-3, 180-pounds. Hits: RHH. Upright, shoulder width stance. Stride and swing. Stiff hands and comes around contact. Mid/pull approach, occasional hard contact, line drive and fly ball result Power: 93 max exit velocity, averaged 79.7 MPH. 342' max distance. Arm: RH. INF-81 mph. Defense: Short and choppy steps, works around the ball, more fluid laterally. Average hands and makes routine play Run: 7.42 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP Body: 6-3, 170-pounds. Hit: RHH. Slightly open tall stance. Strides square and throws the hands to contact with a level swing plane. Average barrel that uses the whole field with linedrive contact. Power: 89.8 max exit velocity, averaged 83.6 mph. 296’ max distance. Arm: RH. INF - 76 mph. Defense: Works with direct lines to the ball and continues momentum to release. Makes routine play and tends to have late hands. Run: runner in the 60.
Delivery: Stretch only, long levers, throws across body. Arm Action: RH. Long arm reach, ¾ slot. FB: T75.1, 74.1-75.1 mph. T2265, 2126 average rpm. Straight. CB: 66.4-67.2 mph. T2221, 2174 average rpm. Sliderish shape, ok depth. CH: 69.7-73.7 mph. T2116, 1920 average rpm. Straight.
Draft Reports
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Body: 6-3, 180-pounds.
Delivery: Works from stretch. Starts balanced, quick to balance position, hip lead, drops and swings down the mound landing across
Arm Action: RH. Long arm swing, hand/arm gets behind and drags, turns to 3/4 slot
FB: T81, 77-80 mph. T2441, 2368 average rpm.
CB: 69-69 mph. T2454, 2419 average rpm.
CH: 74-76 mph. T2037, 1964 average rpm.
Body: 6-3, 180-pounds.
Hits: RHH. Upright, shoulder width stance. Stride and swing. Stiff hands and comes around contact. Mid/pull approach, occasional hard contact, line drive and fly ball result
Power: 93 max exit velocity, averaged 79.7 MPH. 342' max distance.
Arm: RH. INF-81 mph.
Defense: Short and choppy steps, works around the ball, more fluid laterally. Average hands and makes routine play
Run: 7.42 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: SS/RHP
Body: 6-3, 170-pounds.
Hit: RHH. Slightly open tall stance. Strides square and throws the hands to contact with a level swing plane. Average barrel that uses the whole field with linedrive contact.
Power: 89.8 max exit velocity, averaged 83.6 mph. 296’ max distance.
Arm: RH. INF - 76 mph.
Defense: Works with direct lines to the ball and continues momentum to release. Makes routine play and tends to have late hands.
Run: runner in the 60.
Delivery: Stretch only, long levers, throws across body.
Arm Action: RH. Long arm reach, ¾ slot.
FB: T75.1, 74.1-75.1 mph. T2265, 2126 average rpm. Straight.
CB: 66.4-67.2 mph. T2221, 2174 average rpm. Sliderish shape, ok depth.
CH: 69.7-73.7 mph. T2116, 1920 average rpm. Straight.