The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
A fastball with hop has a flat approach angle and visually jumps through the zone. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher swing and miss average. Hop+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with sink has low backspin and drops through the strike zone. When thrown down in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher ground ball percentage and lower launch angle. Sink+ of 100 is MLB average.
A fastball with rise has a high percentage of backspin. When thrown up in the zone, it is more likely to generate a higher fly ball percentage. Rise+ of 100 is MLB average
A hammer breaking ball drops vertically with velocity through the zone, or 12-to-6 movement. Hammer+ of 100 is MLB average.
A sweeping breaking ball moves horizontally with velocity through the zone. Sweep+ of 100 is MLB average.
Logan O'Brien, Elk River (MN), 2027 Positional Profile: RHP/3B Body: 5-11, 150-pounds. Delivery: Squared/narrow start, side forward step and pivots, knee drive up, drops and drive over the back leg, lands inline Arm Action: RH. Long arm swing, hands swings down and behind, inline shoudlers, long hand behind, lower 3/4 slot FB: T76, 74-76 mph. T1824, 1751 average rpm. CB: 60-61 mph. T2367, 2253 average rpm. CH: 67-68 mph. T1950, 1886 average rpm. ATH: 7.87 runner in the 60.
Logan O'Brien, Elk River (MN), 2027 Positional Profile: RHP/3B Body: 5-11, 150-pounds. Hit: RHH. Stiff over rotated hands, rolls over at contact early, spray contact, does have the ability to use both sides of field. 65.4 mph bat speed with 14 G's of rotational acceleration. Power: 81 max exit velocity, averaged 71.3 mph. 258' max distance. Arm: RH. INF-79 mph. Defense: Works direct, developing footwork and glove. More athleticism laterally. Average glove ATH: 7.87 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: RHP/3B Body: 5_11, 140-pounds. Lanky frame. Defense: INF: Efficient feet. Sure hands. Average movements. Athletic arm. Throws from multiple arm angles. Quick transfer. Solid glove work. On target. Arm: R/R. INF - 70 mph. Hit: R/R. Tall relaxed stance. Tendency to drift forward in load. When on time solid line drive contact to the gaps. Flat barrel through the zone. Average barrel feel and contact. Power: 83.50 mph max exit velocity in BP. Run: 7.75 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Small rocker. Turn and gather. Controlled stride down the mound. Lands slightly to the glove side. Arm Action: R/R. Long behind. Smooth arm. High ¾ slot. FB: T73.00, 70-72 mph. Straight CB: 55-59 mph. 11-5 developing CH: 57-58 mph. Slight sink
Positional Profile: RHP/3B Body: 5_11, 135-pounds. Slender athletic frame. Defense: Approaches the ball straight on. Good first step. Gets behind the ball and plays through. Fluid movements. Developing quickness in the movements. High ¾ arm slot. On target with throws. Average arm strength. Arm: RH. INF - 71 mph. Hit: RHH. Tall open stance. Relaxed. Strides square. Upright throughout the swing. Pushes hands forward through contact. Somewhat stiff. Uses the lower half well. Flat barrel through the zone. Used the whole field. Power: 78.80 mph max Trackman exit velocity in bp. Run: 8.02 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Tall square set up. Large rocker step. Turn and kick. Balanced drive down the mound. Strides closed Arm Action: RH. Low ¾ slot. Weak front side. FB: T72.00, 71-72 mph. Ride and sink CB: 55-56 mph. 12/6 shape. Early break, developing feel. CH: 56-57 mph.
Draft Reports
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Positional Profile: RHP/3B
Body: 5-11, 150-pounds.
Delivery: Squared/narrow start, side forward step and pivots, knee drive up, drops and drive over the back leg, lands inline
Arm Action: RH. Long arm swing, hands swings down and behind, inline shoudlers, long hand behind, lower 3/4 slot
FB: T76, 74-76 mph. T1824, 1751 average rpm.
CB: 60-61 mph. T2367, 2253 average rpm.
CH: 67-68 mph. T1950, 1886 average rpm.
ATH: 7.87 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: RHP/3B
Body: 5-11, 150-pounds.
Hit: RHH. Stiff over rotated hands, rolls over at contact early, spray contact, does have the ability to use both sides of field. 65.4 mph bat speed with 14 G's of rotational acceleration.
Power: 81 max exit velocity, averaged 71.3 mph. 258' max distance.
Arm: RH. INF-79 mph.
Defense: Works direct, developing footwork and glove. More athleticism laterally. Average glove
ATH: 7.87 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: RHP/3B
Delivery: Small rocker. Turn and gather. Controlled stride down the mound. Lands slightly to the glove side.Body: 5_11, 140-pounds. Lanky frame.
Defense: INF: Efficient feet. Sure hands. Average movements. Athletic arm. Throws from multiple arm angles. Quick transfer. Solid glove work. On target.
Arm: R/R. INF - 70 mph.
Hit: R/R. Tall relaxed stance. Tendency to drift forward in load. When on time solid line drive contact to the gaps. Flat barrel through the zone. Average barrel feel and contact.
Power: 83.50 mph max exit velocity in BP.
Run: 7.75 runner in the 60.
Arm Action: R/R. Long behind. Smooth arm. High ¾ slot.
FB: T73.00, 70-72 mph. Straight
CB: 55-59 mph. 11-5 developing
CH: 57-58 mph. Slight sink
Positional Profile: RHP/3B
Body: 5_11, 135-pounds. Slender athletic frame.
Defense: Approaches the ball straight on. Good first step. Gets behind the ball and plays through. Fluid movements. Developing quickness in the movements. High ¾ arm slot. On target with throws. Average arm strength.
Arm: RH. INF - 71 mph.
Hit: RHH. Tall open stance. Relaxed. Strides square. Upright throughout the swing. Pushes hands forward through contact. Somewhat stiff. Uses the lower half well. Flat barrel through the zone. Used the whole field.
Power: 78.80 mph max Trackman exit velocity in bp.
Run: 8.02 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Tall square set up. Large rocker step. Turn and kick. Balanced drive down the mound. Strides closed
Arm Action: RH. Low ¾ slot. Weak front side.
FB: T72.00, 71-72 mph. Ride and sink
CB: 55-56 mph. 12/6 shape. Early break, developing feel.
CH: 56-57 mph.