The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
60 Yard Dash
The athlete's fastest 60-yard dash time in the given event year. Measured in seconds (s)
Infield Velocity
The athlete's maximum throwing velocity from an infield position in the given event year. Measured in miles per hour (MPH).
Power / Speed Score
A simple calculation that divides the athlete’s Exit Velocity Max by the athlete’s 60 Yard Dash time for the given event year. For example, 98 MPH / 7.00s = 14.00.
Tyler Lyle, Prior Lake (MN), 2027 Positional Profile: LHP/1B Body: 5-10, 160-pounds. Delivery: Squared start, forward step and turn, knee lift stay continuous, stays over back leg, lands inline Arm Action: LH. Short arm swing, elbow lead, works behind back, horizontal elbow, bows back, high 3/4 slot FB: T78, 77-78 mph. T1949, 1797 average rpm. CB: 66-67 mph. T2299, 2257 average rpm. SL: 69-71 mph. T2077, 2029 average rpm. CH: 74-75 mph. T1752, 1703 average rpm. ATH: 8.50 runner in the 60.
Tyler Lyle, Prior Lake (MN), 2027 Positional Profile: LHP/1B Body: 5-10, 160-pounds. Hit: LHH. Square stance with later hand load, punches through contact occasionally, avg. pop in bat, mostly fly ball and line drive contact to middle of field 58.8 mph bat speed with 5 G's of rotational acceleration. Power: 76 max exit velocity, averaged 69.6 mph. 249' max distance. Arm: LH. INF-76 mph. Defense: Short steps, sits back for ball, slight open setup to field, stays low. Routine glove, fields with one hand ATH: 8.50 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: LHP/1B Body: 5_9, 155-pounds. Average build Defense: Longer footwork. Stays low. Sure glove work. Arm is loose. Clean quick arm action. Arm: LH. INF - 73 mph. Hit: LHH. Square setup. Balanced. Strides closed. Swings around himself. Hands quick to the ball. Long extension through. Slight arm bar. Used the whole field. Line drive contact. Average feel for the barrel. Power: 80.10 mph max Trackman exit velocity during bp. Run: 8.39 runner in the 60.
Delivery: Quick feet. Turn and tuck. Coiled hips at balance point. Athletic down the mound. Lands in line. Arm Action: LH. High ¾ slot. Quick. FB: T78.00, 75-76 mph. 2 seam and 4 seam. Both fairly straight some run to the arm side. CB: 60-63 mph. Good depth SL: 61-64 mph. Average shape. CH: 69-72 mph. Arm side run. Heavy. Best pitch.
Draft Reports
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Positional Profile: LHP/1B
Body: 5-10, 160-pounds.
Delivery: Squared start, forward step and turn, knee lift stay continuous, stays over back leg, lands inline
Arm Action: LH. Short arm swing, elbow lead, works behind back, horizontal elbow, bows back, high 3/4 slot
FB: T78, 77-78 mph. T1949, 1797 average rpm.
CB: 66-67 mph. T2299, 2257 average rpm.
SL: 69-71 mph. T2077, 2029 average rpm.
CH: 74-75 mph. T1752, 1703 average rpm.
ATH: 8.50 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: LHP/1B
Body: 5-10, 160-pounds.
Hit: LHH. Square stance with later hand load, punches through contact occasionally, avg. pop in bat, mostly fly ball and line drive contact to middle of field 58.8 mph bat speed with 5 G's of rotational acceleration.
Power: 76 max exit velocity, averaged 69.6 mph. 249' max distance.
Arm: LH. INF-76 mph.
Defense: Short steps, sits back for ball, slight open setup to field, stays low. Routine glove, fields with one hand
ATH: 8.50 runner in the 60.
Positional Profile: LHP/1B
Delivery: Quick feet. Turn and tuck. Coiled hips at balance point. Athletic down the mound. Lands in line.Body: 5_9, 155-pounds. Average build
Defense: Longer footwork. Stays low. Sure glove work. Arm is loose. Clean quick arm action.
Arm: LH. INF - 73 mph.
Hit: LHH. Square setup. Balanced. Strides closed. Swings around himself. Hands quick to the ball. Long extension through. Slight arm bar. Used the whole field. Line drive contact. Average feel for the barrel.
Power: 80.10 mph max Trackman exit velocity during bp.
Run: 8.39 runner in the 60.
Arm Action: LH. High ¾ slot. Quick.
FB: T78.00, 75-76 mph. 2 seam and 4 seam. Both fairly straight some run to the arm side.
CB: 60-63 mph. Good depth
SL: 61-64 mph. Average shape.
CH: 69-72 mph. Arm side run. Heavy. Best pitch.