Prep Baseball Report

The MindStrong Project: Heat & Ice

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

Prep Baseball Report Minnesota is excited to team up with- The Mindstrong Project. Our goal in this endeavor is to continue to provide the most up-to-date pertinent information and resources to the baseball community in the state of Minnesota.

Periodically, The Mindstrong Project will be providing content for the Prep Baseball Report Minnesota website; as they continue to work to build human performance through education while building an awareness of how the mind and body work together to sustain a consistent confident approach to game performance.

In this month's installment; The MindStrong Project talks about- Heat and Ice.


Hey guys,

I hope everyone is having a great summer and having a smooth transition preparing for another school year. With fall baseball upon us and off-season training, I wanted to take this time to bring you into the world of The Mindstrong Project. 

I hope these articles over the last few months have been able to serve as a positive guide within your journey and something to fall back on in times of need or times of growth. The mission of our team is to enhance the human experience. Through that mission, we search for ways to increase the ability to sustain your peak performance. By doing that our focus becomes the connection of the human mind and body and the connected-ness of the two and how they align with each other. We teach that in a variety of ways whether that's cold exposure within an ice tub or heat exposure in a sauna with instruction on how to control breath within extremes or simply working through a mental game plan inside our Diamond Series. Very often we feel that mental work can solely be based off reviewing your positive self-talk or daily affirmations. This is a great way to improve your game, but how do you understand your self-talk if you haven't been in a situation of struggle? How do you internalize and reflect on daily affirmations if you haven't established a vision and built sustainable actions? This is why the body and creating controlled stressors becomes so important for our growth.

The ability to comprehend your self-awareness over time becomes your greatest strength as an athlete. You must spend a tremendous amount of time mastering your craft as you the teacher. You ultimately need to become THE COACH of yourself. These are the staples of our team and our coaching. 


We are beyond excited to announce that we are only a few weeks out of opening up our mobile wood fire sauna. We will be able to hold groups of 12-16 people inside the sauna and we will also supply cold tubs where athletes will be able to sit in the ice covering their entire body. Alongside the heat and ice, we will also be offering Mindstrong Academy classes. These courses will range from 8-10 week classes held once a week. We will run individual lessons via phone/skype as well. 

The heat and ice will serve as a recovery tool as well as mental strength. Not only do you feel very relaxed and calm after a session, but you will also learn how to control your respiration rate in an environment that is stressful, how to control the moment and build your endurance. By taxing the nervous system we can learn a lot about ourselves!

The Mindstrong Academy is a mental awareness class which covers the Diamond Series with athletes. Purpose, Standards, Systems, and Vision will be mapped out for you as an individual and you are always invited to listen to our guests as we take them through their own Diamond Series following every Mindstrong podcast on iTunes. 

In the Academy, participants learn ways to reflect upon individual mental and physical growth plus apply powerful methods to establish goals, habits, and routines that serve well. These classes can be in group settings or individual but each person will have an individualized program that fits them. Not only do we cover mindset in these courses, but also instruction for breath work and procedures to master breathing. Members will leave with tools that enhance their ability to perform at any moment. 

Over the last few years, we have taken our coaching techniques and philosophy into every level of college baseball across the country. We've worked one-on-one with numerous NHL and NFL players as well as Major League Baseball athletes. The instructors at The Mindstrong Project have been able to enhance their specialized human performance tools and create an edge in their careers. 

"Training the breath with Harvey Martin and The Mindstrong Project has been a major component to my growth in the last couple of years. Understanding more of what the breath does to our biology has opened many doors and helped me to continue tapping into my humanistic potential. The most exciting part is that I feel I am just getting started."- Nate Orf. Infielder, Milwaukee Brewers.

"As a teammate Harvey's communication skills were effortless, his passion for making others better is unwavering. I'd strongly recommend Harvey Martin and The Mindstrong Project to anyone who is in hope of taking their game to the next level or consistently maintain high performance at the level they are at!" - Matt Magers. Head Baseball Coach MSU, Mankato.

"After deciding about a year ago that the effects of breath work was something I wanted to pursue, I've been able to incorporate it into my routine and have seen great improvements physically and mentally because of this "tool". Working with Harvey has built a foundation of confidence within my performance, recovery and mindset. I've been able to use different protocols in and out of season that have given me an even greater understanding of the benefit of "the breath". From working on controlling my breath in the sauna, cold tubs or in the weight room I've been able to carry all these experiences onto the ice." - James van Riemsdyk. Philadelphia Flyers 

Groups or individuals can rent the Mobile Sauna and Ice unit for use at the desired location with or without coaching.  Each course will include a breath-work session followed by heat and ice. The breath-work instruction includes 15-20 minute performance packages followed by the exposure. We invite you to visit our office: 

Location- Inside Minnesota MASH facility
2015 Silver Bell Rd.
Unit 100
Eagan, MN 55122


You can also reach out to us via email for questions and pricing of our programs.

[email protected]


Follow us on social media:

Instagram: @themindstrongproject

Twitter: @themindstrongp

Facebook: The Mindstrong Project 


Take care,

Harvey Martin