Prep Baseball Report

Upcoming Event Information

PBR-NY Staff

Preseason - Long Island (Feb. 23rd)
We are excited to have you at the Preseason Long Island  Showcase event on Friday February 23rd at All-Pro Fieldhouse in East Setuaket. Parents/Players please read the following details about the day:

Check-in will start at 9am for position & dual players.  Parents/Spectators must remain off the field at all times. 

+ At check-in you will receive your event T-shirt to wear with a pre-assigned number and you will have your head shot taken for the website. Don't leave without your head-shot being taken. 

+ Event will start at 10am. We hope to have check in complete by 9:40am so that we can put the group through an active stretch. 

+ If you are not pitching, once you finish your defense you will be free to leave. Pitching should start roughly around 12:30 and finish before 2:30 pm. Catchers must stay to help catch bullpens.  

PITCHER ONLY Check in will be at 11:30am. DO NOT LEAVE without your head shot being taken as this has happened on numerous occasions. 
Additional Check-In Times:

Feb. 25th - Rising Stars Instructional; TBA (depends on total players)

Times are subject to change and would be noted in follow up email closer to event.

quick notes

+ We will be live streaming these events (exception Feb. 25th) to our entire social media following, and dozens of college coaches will be watching while they are playing away for the start of their season. It truly can happens that fast with our platforms. You can follow everything on our twitter - @PBRNewYork and Instagram - pbrnewyork

+ Over 900 college programs subscribe to the Prep Baseball Report monthly. Please come well rested, looking your best, and ready to have your showcase highlights #BeSeen all over the country through our multi-media platforms. 

+ All players will have updated measurable stats, head-shots, and highlight video uploaded into their very own personal profile - something I routinely call the player's "Resume", something you are continually updating and building from your first PBR event to your last. 

+ All players in attendance will be considered for the 2018 NYS Games - the largest and most recruited event in the northeast. Invitations go out starting March 15 and the event will be sold out by the end of April.