Prep Baseball Report

PBR Spotlight Games for Next Week

Prep Baseball Report is making its rounds covering as much of the playoff action in the state as possible. The early week schedule has been set and we will continue to make attempts to see as many areas of the state as possible.  Next week our scouts will catch action in the WPIAL semi-finals on Monday at North Allegheny High School. On tap are a Class AA semi-final between No. 21 Ellwood City and South Fayette at 4:00 followed by a Class AAA semi-final between No. 3 Blackhawk and Thomas Jefferson.

On Tuesday our scouts will be at Slippery Rock University to catch three first round games of District 10 playoff action. The schedule of games include a AAA game at 1:30 between Grove City and Harbor Creek, a AA game at 4:00 between Sharon and Fairview and a AA game at 6:30 between Sharpsville and Commodore Perry.

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