Division 1 Coaches Get a New Recruiting Calendar
April 23, 2019
On April 19, 2019 the NCAA Division I Council met to discuss and vote on several pending rule changes within the NCAA across all sports. Some of the rules were sport specific while some were aimed at all NCAA sports in a broad manner. For baseball, there were two pieces of legislation that caught the attention of those in the game.
First, the council voted to defeat a motion from the Southeastern Conference to allow college baseball and softball programs to pay their third assistant coach. This coach, at this time, is an unpaid “Volunteer Coach”. These coaches are not allowed to be paid by the university for any athletic work. They can work camps, and they can work a separate job, but they are not paid for the numerous hours they are putting in with college athletes on the field and in the locker room to secure success on and off the field.
Our friends at D1Baseball.com did a fantastic job of covering this issue. Kendall Rodgers (@kendallrodgers) of D1Baseball is continuing to track the story and gain insight to the schools that voted the issue down. Aaron Fitt posted this article to D1Baseball the day after the proposal was defeated.
The other measure that has a direct affect on high school players was the altered recruiting calendar for college baseball coaches. This initiative was proposed by the D1 Council and the American Baseball Coaches Association did some research within their membership on giving coaches more time off the road. As the motion and proposed dates became clear, there was a small uproar from the coaching community about their work ethic being legislated. In the end the new recruiting calendar passed.
In August of 2019, the new recruiting calendar will go into affect. Below is a look at the 2018-2019 calendar, next to the new calendar. This should give prospects a feel for when Division 1 coaches can and cannot be on the road.