Prep Baseball Report

The MindStrong Project: Four Triggers

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

Prep Baseball Report Minnesota is excited to team up with- The Mindstrong Project. Our goal in this endeavor is to continue to provide the most up-to-date pertinent information and resources to the baseball community in the state of Minnesota.

Periodically, The Mindstrong Project will be providing content for the Prep Baseball Report Minnesota website; as they continue to work to build human performance through education while building an awareness of how the mind and body work together to sustain a consistent confident approach to game performance.

In this month's installment; The MindStrong Project talks about- Four Triggers.

The Four Triggers

Negativity strikes us all…

As we head into the 2019 spring season this March, we figured we would share the triggers of the negativity bias we all carry within us. The internal question we all ask ourselves is…Why do we suck?

The fear of failure, worrying about others, past mistakes, overthinking and distractions all lead to our negativity bias. These negative thoughts find us all and building awareness and understanding allow us to reach our full potential and compete with freedom and confidence at the moment.

So, why does this happen? The answer to this question is simple. Our brain is not designed to make us a good baseball player. The purpose of the black box within our skull provides is the ability to keep us safe and surviving. This survival mechanism leads up to 75% of our brain capacity. We are built to avoid and built to seek comfort. Within that comfort zone, we never allow ourselves to get outside into the arena of opportunity and growth that we so desperately need and want.

The four triggers that keep us from getting out of our comfort zone are:

 1.) Uncertainty 2.) Attention 3.) Struggle 4.) Change.

These four triggers put us in a place of avoidance. We would rather avoid uncertainty, attention on ourselves, struggle and change. We would rather feel safe and in control. This develops a fear zone where we find excuses, lack self-confidence or become affected by other’s opinions. Yet dealing with challenges and problems gives us the ability to learn and acquire new skills and extend our comfort zone.

If you’re asking yourself why would we write a paper on this subject, you must know that we have the power to move through our comfort zone and consistently grow to the player and person we desire. To do this you must create a vision. Ask yourself what you want from your baseball career, what behaviors does your performance demand from you? What habits do you need to create to sustain your success? What do your routines and processes look like that put you in the best position to reach positive outcomes?

This year allow yourself to eliminate your limitations within your mind and overcome the negativity bias. Understand that you’re capable of accomplishing great things and that all starts with a vision. The excitement of a compelling vision feeds energy that sustains your journey. As you establish higher standards and systems of excellence that give you the best chance of success you will find your meaning and purpose behind your actions. You will understand and clarify your personal mission. Best of luck this year and jump into the uncertainty of your seasons with excitement and room to learn and grow.

Take care,

Harvey Martin


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