Prep Baseball Report

The MindStrong Project: Stimulus + Choice = Reaction

Rob Allison
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

Prep Baseball Report Minnesota is excited to team up with- The Mindstrong Project. Our goal in this endeavor is to continue to provide the most up-to-date pertinent information and resources to the baseball community in the state of Minnesota.

Periodically, The Mindstrong Project will be providing content for the Prep Baseball Report Minnesota website; as they continue to work to build human performance through education while building an awareness of how the mind and body work together to sustain a consistent confident approach to game performance.

In this month's installment; The MindStrong Project talks about- Stimulus + Choice = Reaction.

Stimulus + Choice = Reaction

I hope everyone is doing well and moving forward efficiently this offseason. Today we are going to focus on a common conversation within the world of baseball; Controllable vs. Non-Controllable. We often call this (Stimulus + Choice = Reaction). This is a formula we use within our Standards/Values category of the Diamond Series.

The first step after discovering and defining your purpose you will have to uphold personal standards to continuously move forward. Essentially the standards of our life create the choices we make daily. Subconsciously and consciously we will ultimately be the byproduct of our choices.

CLICK HERE to read The MindStrong Projects monthly installment in it's entirety.