Prep Baseball Report

The MindStrong Project: Earthing

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

Prep Baseball Report Minnesota is excited to team up with- The Mindstrong Project. Our goal in this endeavor is to continue to provide the most up-to-date pertinent information and resources to the baseball community in the state of Minnesota.

Periodically, The Mindstrong Project will be providing content for the Prep Baseball Report Minnesota website; as they continue to work to build human performance through education while building an awareness of how the mind and body work together to sustain a consistent confident approach to game performance.

In this month's installment; The MindStrong Project talks about- Earthing.

Think outside the box... 

Performance is a fascinating concept that is always evolving. Mentally and Physically, we are not the same today as we were yesterday. This everlasting process of change forces us into adaptation. To reach the highest level of your craft you have no choice but to evolve and this concerns many because evolving would mean you could be wrong. This feeling of uncertainty keeps us in a place of comfort. We have spoken of this topic many times in our articles. 

Every level of mastery up the chain of performance demands a higher discipline. That discipline no longer gets fueled by occasional stints of motivation. You must understand your self-awareness every step of the way and continuously level up who you are as a person. This would require a large amount of meaning behind what you do. At its core, if you're not capable of sustaining some sort of purpose within your journey you will fade out of the process. This is a very crucial part of development because this is why we admire Major League Baseball players. We intuitively comprehend the struggle it took to get there and understand the strength it took them to consistently produce at a high level of human performance. So, where are we going with this...

Before we get into the conversation of "Earthing" we are going to expose ourselves to a question. Questions are an important part of the process because very often we neglect to ask ourselves questions due to the easy access of simply avoiding. 

Question: How might you be wrong? 

Ask yourself this monthly, weekly, daily. How might you be wrong? None of us know it all and answers are simply only decreasing our wrongs to a little less wrong about something. For many years, we have approached the idea of "Earthing" here at The Mindstrong Project. In the beginning, it was only a thought and it has turned into a staple of our philosophy. What is Earthing you ask? 

This is a simple process of allowing your bare feet to touch the earth surface regularly. That feeling of burying your toes into the sand at the beach or comfort of soft grass beneath you.....that would be a form of earthing. At young ages we typically see a lot of kids running around barefoot and enjoying the moment. This unknown happy feeling we get with earthing our feet to the ground also plays a massive role in our performance. Earthing continues to be a big coaching tip that we give our athletes and we almost always finish workouts or start workouts with our feet in the grass. 

Earthing has a laundry list of benefits and much research has recently been exposed to our society on the benefits of taking your shoes off and placing your feet in the grass. As a baseball player, we are outside often and we reap many natural benefits of nature that allow us to feel and remain calm in a sport that involves minimal movement, yet much thought. We need to understand how we can use our body to slow down the game. Earthing before a game is one of those ways. Before your next practice or game spend 20-30 minutes relaxing with your feet in the grass while breathing through your nose calmly. Read a book, talk with a friend (This will involve mouth breathing which is ok) or simply relax. Try this for a week and turn it into a routine. If you're in between games spend that time with your feet in the grass. Warm-up before throwing with your feet in the grass, then put your shoes on. Allow earth and its surface to strengthen your body and calm your mind. If you are not comfortable with being bare foot or want to reap the benefits of earthing at all times you can look into the Erthe strips we offer through our organization. These strips can easily be placed on the outside of your shoes or cleats to be at a high level of human performance and recovery throughout the day. 

We offer a 10% discount code: MINDSTRONG to buy Erthe strips that you can place on your cleats. This will replicate earthing while you have shoes on and compete in games and at practice. We have the research and articles on our sites and you can find more at

If you are interested in learning more about Earthing check out these research articles and websites. These will help better understand health benefits.




Hope all of you are well and allowing yourself to think outside the box! 

For more information on Human Performance check out our sites or reach out to us for individual or group coaching!






The Mindstrong Project


The Mindstrong Project 


Take care,

Harvey Martin 
