Prep Baseball Report

PBR MN- Top Trackman Hitting Metrics Of 2023

Andy Judkins
Prep Baseball Report Minnesota

As we prepare to enter into 2024; Prep Baseball Report Minnesota took an in-depth look at the stats accrued at our events through the course of the year. 2023 has been an outstanding year for PBR Minnesota as we continue to assist baseball players in the state to ultimately find their college destination by providing a platform for them to showcase their abilities and be seen and identified by multiple colleges across the country. More than 900 colleges and pro teams subscribe to the Prep Baseball Report services.

Select Prep Baseball Report events across the country have been powered by TrackMan’s industry-leading Portable system and Blast Sensor technology to capture pinpoint accurate, actionable data from player performances. Prep Baseball Report, Trackman and Blast are dedicated to recognizing talent and unleashing their potential.

We’ve crunched all the data from the numerous events we have had across the state in 2023; culminating with us identifying the top numbers accrued in each statistical category from our events. Though these numbers don’t reflect all the information and statistics we have documented through our boots-on-the-ground scouting staff; they do present an accurate overview where the class stands as a whole.

All hitters had a chance to be evaluated through our portable Trackman unit. Each player received a round of on the field BP where they were measured in key ball flight metrics. We were able to collect key ball flight metrics such as exit velocity, distance, launch angles, spray charts and much more. All pitchers had a chance to throw a bullpen while being monitored through our portable Trackman unit. Each player threw all their pitches where we were able to collect key ball flight metrics such as release velocity, spin rate, vertical & horizontal movement and much more.


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